Kinect Review: Hulk Hogan’s Main Event

As a kid I grew up watching wrestling. The World Wrestling Federation (now the WWE) had a Saturday morning show that was the equivalent of a live action cartoon and like many kids I sat down to watch it every week. Everything was black and white, with the forces of good, led by Hulk Hogan,... Continue Reading →

Films I’m Looking Forward To: February 2012

January was a tough month for releases. Out of the movies I saw in theaters only The Grey stood out as anything above mediocre, I hope February turns out better. And from the looks of the release schedule, it should turn out better. As usual, while there are probably more than a few smaller films... Continue Reading →

January 2012 Recap

January is past us. We are one step closer to the end of humanity or something like that. I played some games, read some books and watched some movies and television. Some might say I didn’t do much in January but well… screw them. Games I finished five games over the last month. Two of... Continue Reading →

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