
Welcome to Kariyanine Online, the site that contains the inane ramblings of Chris Scott. Chris is a financial billings expert, a lover of film, video games, music, and cold, dark places because he has an unnatural aversion to sunlight (kind of like a vampire without the whole blood sucking thing going on).

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Retro Referee: Retro sports video games live on here.

Retro sports video games live on here.

Bizarre Brunette

Comics, Gaming & Snuggling with a Cat are bliss.

Melodic Biplanes

Words about games, mostly.

Critically Sane

Bringing You The Best

Musings of a nitpicking girl

A blog about gaming, retro stuff and related meanderings

That Green Dude

A blog about video games by Brandon Green


Sparking thought about video games in creative ways. From news to lore and everything in between. ABXY seeks to encourage respectful and inclusive conversation in any way possible.

The Janitorium

The Inner Sanctum of JanitorJoey's Mind