Shark Month – Film 31: The Last Shark

It's done. I've reached the end of shark month and endured 31 shark films. Fittingly, the concluding film is called, The Last Shark. The Last Shark is an Italian rip-off of Jaws. So much of a rip off that it was forced by a federal court order to vacate theaters in the United States, about... Continue Reading →

Shark Month – Film 30: Deep Blue Sea

When you think of great filmmakers, Steven Spielberg certainly comes to mind but most people aren't likely to include Renny Harlin next to him. This isn't to say that Harlin hasn't done some excellent films, Die Hard 2 and Cliffhanger both immediately come to mind, but he's not exactly a cinema mastermind. However, in the... Continue Reading →

Shark Month – Film 29: Shark Lake

I’m not sure how they convinced Dolph Lundgren to appear in Shark Lake but I’m glad they did because this film is amazing. It is absolutely terrible but also amazing. Lundgren plays Clint, an animal smuggler that while being chased by the police, accidentally lets a bull shark loose in a lake. Five years later... Continue Reading →

Shark Month – Film 27: Jaws 3

When your mediocre sequel still makes $200 million somewhere in the back of your head, you have to be thinking we could do that yet again. And that is how we got Jaws 3. Released five years after Jaws 2, Jaws 3(D) shifts location from the cold waters of Massachusetts to what I assume is... Continue Reading →

Shark Month – Film 26: Jaws 2

Jaws is a film that didn't need a sequel but Hollywood is nothing, if not predictable. After the massive success of Jaws, someone saw dollar signs in another shark film, and in 1978 we were given Jaws 2. I'm not sure the history of Jaws 2 but they were somehow able to get back some... Continue Reading →

Shark Month – Film 25: Jaws

If you are going to play in the shark film pool, you have to play against the greatest of them all, Jaws. 45 years on and Stephen Spielberg's killer shark film is still the top of the food chain. There is no getting around it, Jaws is the film against which all shark films are... Continue Reading →

Shark Month – Film 23: Bait

I like when a film has a simple concept that executes well. Bait is one such film and after three weeks of mostly watching garbage, it's nice to sit down with a competent shark thriller. And make no mistake Bait is a thriller. After a freak tidal wave hits a coastal Australian town, a handful... Continue Reading →

Shark Month – Film 22: Megalodon

One of the things that The Asylum loves to do is piggy back off better produced films with more name recognition. They name their films something similar in what I can only assume is a hope that some stupid viewer will accidently choose The Fast and the Fierce over The Fast and the Furious or... Continue Reading →

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