31 Days of Dread – Week 3

Poof.... three weekly posts in a row. It's like magic. More spooky movies, spooky games, and some not so spooky reads have all be going down this week. Let's get into it. Films I've got into 13 films this week, most of which were horror. And it was mostly a really good week of film.... Continue Reading →

109th Game Finished of 2020: Star Wars: Squadrons – XB1 (2020)

One of my favorite games of all time is Star Wars: TIE Fighter. I played its predecessor, X-Wing, and its sequels X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter and X-Wing: Alliance but none of them ever quite captured the same feel that TIE Fighter did. It mixed a fun Imperial narrative, one of the first of its kind... Continue Reading →

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