Hell Week Is Over

While almost everyone has been lazing about eating turkey (blech!), watching football, playing games and generally having a good 'ole time, I have been stupidly attempting to produce 11 articles, including seven reviews, and a podcast over the course of the last seven days. But it is over now and the last one (my review... Continue Reading →

Game Review: Modern Warfare 2

Originally published at Examiner.com Let us not be shy about it, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare was one of the biggest games to ever be released. The game garnered mass critical and commercial success on its way to becoming one of the most played online titles of this current gaming generation. So it goes... Continue Reading →

Under the Dome

I generally do not give recommendations for books, especially for books that I have only read 10% of but I have to say that Stephen King's latest book is shaping up to be one of his best novels. I have, for the first time in a long time, allowed reading to overtake my other activities... Continue Reading →

Teaser Trailer: Clash of the Titans

One of my favorite films as a kid was the 1981 film Clash of the Titans. I've been skeptical but hopeful about the remake. Well the official teaser trailer is out and like a good teaser trailer it has me fairly optimistic that this will be one kick ass, mythological ride.

The Size of Fun

Today while at work I cracked into my not-so-secret stash of candy at my desk, pulling out a Butterfinger. The Butterfinger said it was Fun Size. I'm not sure who thought a bite sized portion is the size that equates to fun but whoever thought that crap up is an idiot. However this got me... Continue Reading →

Film Review: Paranormal Activity

Every few years there is a film that is released to such an amount of hype that everyone and their mother is talking about it. This year is another one of those years and the film in question is “Paranormal Activity”. By now you have probably experienced the well done viral campaign either by way... Continue Reading →

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