I iz a Director Nowz

Ok so not really and do people actually talk like that? In anycase being a director is something I have always wanted to do and while I am in no position to make feature length films, or even shorts at this time I am able to mess around a bit with Bungie's rendering service on... Continue Reading →

Old School

Last night I did something I haven't done in quite some time, I played split screen multiplayer. At one point in time this was a regular occurrence for me but as my friends and I have gotten older it happens less and less frequently. There is something that is special about having your friends in... Continue Reading →

XBOX 360 Review: NHL 11

Twenty years is a long time but it is the length of time that Electronic Arts NHL series has been around. Dating back to the Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis days the series has gone through many, many changes and like any series, it has had its fair share of ups and downs. Over the... Continue Reading →

Goo Goo for Gaga

As much as I love pop music, its not a genre of music that ever really crosses my mind to go and see in concert. I like my guitars and drums and I like them loud with guys who look like they've done a tad too much heroin singing on the microphone, so the thought... Continue Reading →

Film Review: Resident Evil: Afterlife

The Resident Evil game franchise is not renowned for having an amazing narrative, so it is quite surprising that the series has been able to carve out a series of moderately successful films for nearly a decade. Resident Evil: Afterlife is the fourth and latest entry into the series and if you have not previously... Continue Reading →

Film Review: Machete

For all intents and purposes, Machete is a film that should not exist. Based off of a fake trailer attached to the Robert Rodriguez / Quentin Tarantino collaboration Grrindhouse, Machete is something that has been talked about a lot but that few thought would ever actually materialize. Robert Rodriguez though kept the idea in his... Continue Reading →

Film Review: The Last Exorcism

Ever since the success of The Blair Witch Project up and coming filmmakers have tried to recreate the success. Last year brought us Paranormal Activity, a film that I found to be more interesting as a case study for how to make one of these fake documentary horror films than as an actual film. Paranormal... Continue Reading →


When getting online, etiquette is not something many people pay an heed to. Its a shame but its a fact that has forced me to curl up in my personal turtle shell and actually "hide" from people. For instance today I logged into XBOX Live and immediately I was bombarded with a request to play... Continue Reading →

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