Weekly Reset: Yearly Reset

I guess it’s 2022. I mean, I know it’s 2022, that is what the calendar says but unlike last year, where coming into January I felt that maybe things were looking up and changing for the better, it just kind of feels like we’re now running in place or on a treadmill that is maybe moving us backwards. I’m not even sure I know where I’m going with that thought process.

It’s a cute dumpster fire.

That said, while nothing feels like it is currently moving in a positive direction the switch from 2021 to 2022 does allow for some natural resetting. Re-calibrating of one’s goals and objectives for the year and being as this is ostensibly a blog about entertainment media, let’s focus on that.

I played a lot of games, watched a lot of movies, listened to a lot of music, and read a good chunk of books last year. I’m not sure surpassing those numbers is something I should specifically be aiming for so unlike in past years where I set specific targets to hit, I’m just forgoing that this year. I’m sure I’m going to play a lot of games, watch a lot of movies, listen to a lot of music, and read a lot too but I’m not aiming for anything in particular.

Pod racing is fun. I’ve been playing some Episode 1: Racer recently. Outside of that, this image is to just break up the wall of text.

Similarly, I’ve tossed the idea of a backlog out the window. I play, watch, listen, and read for fun. And sometimes I buy shit to play, watch, listen, and read but never get to it. Over the last few years, I let the concept of the backlog weigh on me. “Oh no, why did I buy this game and only play it for an hour before moving on to something new (or worse!, something old).” You know what? I don’t care. I bought it because it made me feel good at the time and if I get to it, I get to it. Is it a waste of money? Sure, but we all waste money on shit that makes us feel better. Sometimes me buying something and sitting it on my shelf (or my hard drive) is all I needed to change my mood. So F it. That’s where I’m at.

So what does the year have in store for me? I’m not sure.

Game wise, I’m going to play what I feel like playing. The one thing I’m shooting for is continuing my current achievement streak (at the time of this writing it is at 121 days straight with an achievement). I’m targeting a buddy of mine’s 536 day streak (which means, an achievement every day of this year plus a couple months into 2023). We’ll see what happens with this but it’s been fun looking for games that I can consistently earn an achievement a day in (and I’ve been earning on average about 5 a day). It will get tough when I’m away (the first big challenge will be this coming weekend where I will be in Lancaster for the weekend).

Currently enjoying Lake, where I can deliver cats and get achievements.

Additional to playing what I want. I want to stream more on Twitch. I should probably set up a schedule but I’m not ready to commit fully to it so, that’s not happening just yet. When I do stream though it will likely be old games, multiplayer games, or me building LEGO sets. I also am trying to post a picture from my game collection everyday on Twitter or Instagram.

In terms of this blog, I’m going to try and post here on Monday’s with this reset post (trying to hit it on a Sunday was just too much for me) to recap what I’ve been up to and maybe I’ll get back to writing some more commentary pieces. I think I’m mostly done with regular reviews (I’ve been writing them for nearly 20 years now and I just don’t get the same pleasure out of it anymore) but maybe one or two will slip in.

Anyway, I hope everyone has a great new year and thanks for reading to the bottom (or skipping to the bottom).

One thought on “Weekly Reset: Yearly Reset

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  1. It’s hard to trust 2022 after the betrayal of 2020 AND 2021 lol.
    I think it’s going to be another year of people focusing on their health/mental health. That being said, only do what makes you happiest!

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