Shark Month – Film 29: Shark Lake

I’m not sure how they convinced Dolph Lundgren to appear in Shark Lake but I’m glad they did because this film is amazing. It is absolutely terrible but also amazing.

Lundgren plays Clint, an animal smuggler that while being chased by the police, accidentally lets a bull shark loose in a lake. Five years later that shark is terrorizing a lakeside community and Clint has to capture it for the guy who commissioned it in the first place. The wrinkle here is that the officer that originally arrested Clint has adopted his young daughter so, you know… tension.

None of this is super out of the ordinary and would make for a mediocre to bad film. What makes Shark Lake so amazing is it’s ridiculous and hysterical dialog mixed with its absurd super shallow water shark attacks. Bad movies have bad dialog all the time but it takes a special someone to write dialog that is this effective in making me laugh. Add in that nearly all the shark attacks in the first half of the film happen in about 18 inches of crystal clear water and this becomes a laugh riot.

Look Shark Lake is awful but it reversed around on itself and became something laugh out loud funny. I can respect that and had a fun time with it.


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